In-Home/After School Tutoring Program
This incredibly successful program provides academic tutoring and mentoring to children and teens in the Washoe County foster and adoptive homes. Since beginning this program six years ago, our tutors have provided academic services to over 1,500 youths ages 6-18. During the past school year we provided over 12,000 hours of in-home/after school tutoring.
95% of our tutors are honor students at the University of Nevada-Reno with a substantial percentage being students in the School of Medicine. The remaining 5% of tutors are specialists in various professional fields of education. Multicultural diversity is very important to us and we are proud that our tutors are Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, Native American, Middle Eastern, Peruvian, Mexican, El Salvadorian, African American, and European Caucasian.
The most requested academic subjects are Reading and Spelling, basic math, Algebra and Geometry, Chemistry and Biology. This program is funded by donations, fundraising projects, community foundations and agencies such as The Frank M. and Gertrude R. Doyle Foundation, Community Foundation, Washoe County Social Service’s Independent Living Department, Center for Excellence in Disability, etc. Back to school supplies are offered each year by The Unity Center of Reno. We gratefully acknowledge that our tutoring is made possible by the dedicated work of Washoe County and State of Nevada social workers and Win workers.
Currently, with a grant from the Walter S. Johnson Foundation we have formed a Washoe County Education Task Force to design an educational program which will enhance and strengthen the academic achievements of foster care youth in our community.
SAFF’s Office is located in Reno’s new Non-Profit Center. What used to be Reno’s former juvenile probation building is now renovated into the city’s Non-Profit Center. In an historic community which is now on an economic rise, the Non-Profit Center hosts SAFF’s office, Feed the Children, Alzheimer’s Association, Washoe County Alternative Education, Nevada Opera and other service oriented agencies. Located at 1301 Cordone Avenue (off Vassar and Kietzke), the building has a variety of training and conference rooms. The brightly colored corridor walls are imprinted with inspirational quotes from famous artists, scientists, government leaders, and educators.